Maven Setup:
First we need to download and install Maven.
- Download maven from this site -
- Unzip the downloaded file.
- Add MAVEN_HOME system variable / Environment Variable
- MAVEN_HOME = C:\Vijaya\SW\Maven\apache-maven-3.8.6
- Add Maven bin folder to PATH variable.
- PATH = C:\Vijaya\SW\Maven\apache-maven-3.8.6/bin
- Run mvn --version to check the setup
Update local repository:
We need to set up a local maven repository for deploying applications using maven.
First we need to install SOACS on our local machine. Download the SOA installer jars from Oracle and install it on a local machine.
Update Local Repository with SOA plugins: Follow the below steps to configure a local repository with SOA plugins.
- Go to the following Oracle installation path .
cd C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\oracle_common\plugins\maven\com\oracle\maven\oracle-maven-sync\12.2.1
- Execute the following maven commands.
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=oracle-maven-sync-12.2.1.jar -DpomFile=oracle-maven-sync-12.2.1.pom
mvn -DoracleHome=C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home -DoverwriteParent=true
mvn -Doracle-maven-sync.oracleHome=C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home
mvn -Doracle-maven-sync.oracleHome=C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home -Doracle-maven-sync.testonly='true'
mvn archetype:crawl -Dcatalog=C:\Users\vijaya\.m2\archetype-catalog.xml
Create a Maven SOA Project and update the POM files.
Use the following POM files as a template.
Application POM:
<project xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemalocation="">
<!--Add project modules-->
Project POM:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation=""
xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
<!-- These parameters are used by the compile goal -->
<!-- Plugin to read the propery file</file>-->
<!-- Plugin to replace the tokens </file>-->
<file> ${scac.input.dir}/wsm-assembly.xml</file>
<!-- Note: compositeRevision is needed to package, revision is needed to undeploy -->
<!-- To download the plugins from Oracle maven repo </file>-->
Note: If we are using MDS resources (wsdl/xsd) then we need to provide the local mds path details for compilation and packaging.
Use the following adf-config.xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
<adf-config xmlns="" xmlns:adf=""
<adf:adf-properties-child xmlns="">
<adf-property name="adfAppUID" value="XxScmSDTLightAppSOA-8435"/>
<sec:adf-security-child xmlns="">
<CredentialStoreContext credentialStoreClass=""
<adf-mds-config xmlns="">
<mds-config xmlns="">
<namespace path="/apps" metadata-store-usage="mstore-usage_2"/>
<namespace path="/soa/shared" metadata-store-usage="mstore-usage_3"/>
<metadata-store-usage id="mstore-usage_2">
<metadata-store class-name="oracle.mds.persistence.stores.file.FileMetadataStore">
<property name="metadata-path" value="${soamds.apps.home}"/>
<metadata-store-usage id="mstore-usage_3">
<metadata-store class-name="oracle.mds.persistence.stores.file.FileMetadataStore">
<property name="partition-name" value="seed"/>
<property name="metadata-path" value="${}/integration"/>
${soamds.apps.home} : Pass local MDS path while running Maven command.
${} : Pass either local MDS or SOA install directory path where seeded resources are present.
Maven Command to Deploy:
MIDDLEWARE_HOME_SOA= C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\ (SOA installation path)
-Dsoamds.apps.home=${mds_path} pre-integration-test
In case if we have to use an SSL port for the deployment and if we need to use a custom trust store to connect then we can use the following maven command.
mvn${property}${MIDDLEWARE_HOME_SOA}/soa -Dsoamds.apps.home=${mds_path}${trustStoreFile}****${trustStoreFile}*** pre-integration-test
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