In Oracle Fusion, we can use the work order-less completion process to move the completed/kitted/assembled item to a sub-inventory. We can get the assembled item number from the source or derive it based on the BOM_CODE/ID and the corresponding components used for assembly. As part of this process, Fusion will adjust the material counts automatically. It will increase the count for the assembled item in the specified sub-inventory and, at the same time, decrease the quantities for the corresponding components used during assembly.
URL : /fscmRestApi/resources/latest/materialTransactions
"SourceSystemCode" : "VKSYSTEM",
"SourceSystemType" : "EXTERNAL",
"MaterialTransactionDetail" : [ {
"InventoryItemNumber" : "TEST_FINISHED_GOOD2",
"OrganizationCode" : "VKSYSTEM",
"SubinventoryCode" : "CW-VK-00",
"AssemblySerialNumber" : "MFG00012",
"TransactionQuantity" : "1",
"TransactionTypeCode" : "ORDERLESS_COMPLETION", --> Fixed
"TransactionDate" : "2021-06-04T11:00:00-00:00",
"TransactionUnitOfMeasure" : "Ea",
"TransactionSerial" : [ {
"SerialNumber" : "MFG00012"
} ],
"ComponentTransactionDetail" : [ {
"InventoryItemNumber" : "TEST_RAW1",
"TransactionQuantity" : "1",
"WoOperationSequenceNumber" : 10,
"SubinventoryCode" : "CW-VK-99"
}, {
"InventoryItemNumber" : "TEST_RAW2",
"TransactionQuantity" : "1",
"WoOperationSequenceNumber" : 10,
"SubinventoryCode" : "CW-VK-99"
}, {
"InventoryItemNumber" : "TEST_RAW3",
"TransactionQuantity" : "1",
"WoOperationSequenceNumber" : 10,
"SubinventoryCode" : "CW-VK-99"
} ]
} ]