- SCIM - System for Cross-Domain Identity Management
- Standard for Identity Managers API's
- Used by multiple Identity Provider.
- SOA Roles will be mapped to IDCS groups.
- Set up Federated SSO through SAML on IDCS and SOA
High-Level Steps.
- Create IDCS groups for SOA
- Create a Confidential Application in IDCS
- Register as Client
- Select client as Confidential
- Allow following grants types
- Client Credentials
- JWT assertion
- Token Refresh
- SAML2 Assertion.
- Granted Roles
- Identity Domain Administration
- Cloud Gate
- Assign groups to this application.
- Configure Identity Provider in SOA weblogic Console.
- Weblogic Console
- Security Realms
- Myrealm
- Providers
- Select New
- Name - IDCS Provider
- Type - OracleDentityCloudIntegrator
- Click Okay
- Open IDCS provide
- Common
- Control Flag - SUFFICENT : Meaning dont have to check other provider if the IDCS authentication is successful.
- Active Type
- Authorization
- Provider Specific:
- Provide the IDCS details.
- Host
- Port - 443
- SSL - Enabled
- IDCS Tenant Name
- Client Id
- Secret.
- Save
- Reorder the provider to check IDCS first and then go for default providers.
- Select DefaultAuthenticator
- Common
- Control Flag - SUFFICIENT
- Save
- Activate the changes.
- Import IDCS Certificates to Trust Store.
- Get the IDCS certificates using following URL
- https://$IDCS_HOST_PORT/ui/v1/adminconsole
- Import Certificates into System/Trust using EM console.
- Add the following property to SetDomainEnv.sh to support wild card certificates using common names.
- -Dweblogic.security.SSL.hostnameverifier=weblogic.security.utils.sslwlswildcardhostnameverifier
- Manual OPSS Configurations.
- Edit following file in domain dir
- /config/fmwconfig/jps-config.xml
- Search for idstore.ldap and replace it with idstore.scim under jpsContexts
- Create a IDCS property file and run the script as per the following doc-id : 2916662.2
- Configure SSO:
- Create a SAML application in IDCS.
- Give a name.
- Entity Id - Give any value
- Consumer URL - https://$SOA_LB_URL/saml2/sp/acs/post
- NameIdFormat - Unspecified.
- Can add attributes.
- Name - Groups
- Format - Basic
- Value - Group Membership
- Condition
- equals
- Value - All groups
- Add Groups
- Activate
- Download the idcs metadat.xml from the SAML application created above.
- RDBMS Setup for Weblogic LB
- Refer the below link for more details.
- Configure SAML Asserter.
- Refer the below link for more details.
Oracle Reference : https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_afrLoop=111700059898561&id=2916662.2&_afrWindowMode=0&_adf.ctrl-state=nbcwpoz12_4