Use the following steps to consume Oracle BIP webservice and run the BI report.
- Create a mulesoft project called MuleToOracleBIIntegration.
- Add HTTP listener to the flow.
- Add Connector configurations.
- Host - localhost
- Port - 8081
- Base Path - /
- Specify the path
- Path - /bipintegration
- Go to MIME Type section
- MIME Type - application/json
- Go to Advanced section
- Allowed Method - POST
- Go to Metadata section
- Add metadata - Output:Payload
- Add
- Give a name - RequestPayload
- Select Type - JSON
- Example - Provide sample Json file.
- Select
- Add Logger
- Message - #[payload.elementname]
- Add Web Service Consumer
- Name - BIP Consumer
- Connector Configurations
- Add
- Give a Name
- General
- Soap Version - SOAP12
- Wsdl location - https://hostname/xmlpserver/services/ExternalReportWSSService?wsdl
- Service - ExternalReportWSSService
- Port - ExternalReportWSSService
- Transport -- Note : This is for providing Basic Authentication
- Transport Configuration : Http transport configuration
- Request Config:
- Add
- Name : basic-auth
- Base Path : /
- Authentication :
- Basic Authentication
- Username
- Password
- General :
- Operation : runReport
- Body : payload
- Now Add the Transformation before the WebService Consumer
- In output section, select Define metadata option
- Add
- Provide a name : BIPResponse
- Type : XMl
- Sample : Provide sample response message.
- Map the incoming payload to runReport Payload Structure.
- Sample :
%dw 2.0
output application/xml
ns ns0
ns0#runReport: {
ns0#reportRequest: {
ns0#parameterNameValues: {
ns0#item: {
ns0#values: {
ns0#item: payload.Parameter1
ns0#reportAbsolutePath: payload.XDO,
ns0#sizeOfDataChunkDownload: -1
6. Add Transform message After the web service consumer to get the BI response.
import * from dw::core::Binaries
output application/xml
ns ns0
7. Add one more transform if you want to filter the response.