Use the following instructions to create a sample Hello World flow.
- Open Anypoint studio.
- Select New --> Mule Project
- Provide project name - Hello World
- Add connector configurations
- Under general tab select protocol as http
- Host as localhost
- Port 8081 or any available port.
- Base path as /learnings
- select ok.
- Give path value as /helloworld
- Go to advanced options
- Add allowed methods ad GET
- Save connector configurations.
- In right side design pallet select core component and drag and drop logger component
- Give some message - Example Flow Initiated.
- Add Set Payload component to map the response
- Select switch to literal mode.
- Select Show Graphical view.
- Add the following response.
- Following command sends the response in JSON format.
output application/json
responseMessage:"Hello Welcome to Mule"