Thursday 28 March 2019

Oracle Fusion - ERP Web Services and Operations

  1. SAAS Home Page :  https://hostname:443/
  2. SAAS UCM : https://hostname:443/cs
  3. BIP URL  :  https://hostname:443/xmlpserver or analytics
  4. BIP Web Service  :  
    • https://<fusion app url>/xmlpserver/services/ExternalReportWSSService?wsdl
    • https://<fusion app url>/xmlpserver/services/PublicReportWSSService?wsdl
    • https://<fusion app url>/xmlpserver/services/ScheduleReportWSSService?wsdl
    •  Absolute Path :  Provide complete xdo path
    •  Example : /Custom/Financials/int/Reports/samplereport.xdo
  5. ERP Adapter :
    • Service Catalog :
      • https://<fusion app url>/fndAppCoreServices/ServiceCatalogService?wsdl
    • Erp Integration :
      • https://<fusion app url>/fscmService/ErpIntegrationService
    • Event Catalog :
      • https://<fusion app url>/soa-infra
    • Event Configuration 
      • https://<fusion app url>/soa-infra/PublicEvent/catalog
    • Event Subscriber Check:
      • https://<fusion app url>/soa-infra/PublicEvent/subscriptions
  6. Token Relay
    • https://<fusion app url>/fscmRestApi/tokenrelay
  7. Attachment Service 
    • https://<host>

HCM Details:

  1. You encrypt files using the Oracle HCM Cloud public key.
  2. The data-loading process decrypts files using the Oracle HCM Cloud private key.
  3. Generate the PGP encryption key pair and download the Oracle HCM Cloud public key to Encrypt the file.  

  •  Submit HCM Data Load
    • Upload File to UCM using following UCM Service. 
      • https://hostname:443/idcws/GenericSoapPort?WSDL
        • Read the file as an attachment
        • Pass the opaque contents to UCM
        • Get the content Id from the response.
        • Service IdcService="CHECKIN_UNIVERSAL"
        • dDocTitle
        • dDocAccount
        • dDocType
        • dSecurityGroup
        • dDocAuthor 
    • Invoke HCM Webservice to Load and Import the data. 
      • https://hostname/hcmCommonDataLoader/HCMDataLoader?WSDL
      • Operation - importAndLoadData
        • Pass the content ID in the request message. -- dDocName from UCM upload response. 
          • <ns0:Field name="dDocName">UCMFA00422909</ns0:Field>
        • Pass the additional Parameters.
    • Get the Status of HDL load and import job. 
      • Operation - getDataSetStatus
        • Pass the content id in the input parameter in the following format. 
          • "ContentId="$UCMContentID
          • Exmple : ContentId=12345
  • To Submit Extract and Get the Output from UCM
    • Submit Extract
      • URL - https://hostname:443/hcmService/FlowActionsService?WSDL
      • Operation 
        • SubmitFlow  - To Submit the job
          • Provide Extract Name 
          • Extract Run ID
        • getFlowTaskInstanceStatus  - To Get the  Status
          • Provide Extract Name
          • Provide Extract Run Id
        • getIntegrationContentId  - To Get the content ID
          • Provide Extract Name
          • Provide Extract Run Id
    • Get the Content from UCM.
      • URL - https://hostname:443/idcws/GenericSoapPort?WSDL
        • Service IdcService="GET_FILE"
        • dDocName = ContentId
      • Decode the Data and Write the file. 
UCM Details:
  • Web Service 
    • URL - https://hostname:443/idcws/GenericSoapPort?WSDL
BIP Webservices:
  • To get the list of Webservices 
    • URL - http://hostname/xmlpserver/services
  • To Schedule a BIP Job.
    • https://hostname/xmlpserver/services/v2/ScheduleService?wsdl
    • Operations
      • scheduleReport - To Submit the Job
      • getScheduledReportStatus - To get the Status of the Job.
      • getAllJobInstanceIDs  - To Get the Job Id's
      • getXMLData  - To Get the XML Data 

Sample Payload : 

HCM Extract : 
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:typ="" xmlns:flow="">
         <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
            <flow:ParameterName>Effective Date</flow:ParameterName>
         </typ:parameterValues>    <typ:flowInstanceName>SAMPLE_EXTRACT_REPORT191017084530</typ:flowInstanceName>
         <typ:legislativeDataGroupName>US Legislative Data Group</typ:legislativeDataGroupName>

HCM Get Extract Status :
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:typ="">
      <typ:getFlowTaskInstanceStatus>         <typ:flowInstanceName>SAMPLE_EXTRACT_REPORT191017084530</typ:flowInstanceName>         <typ:flowTaskInstanceName>SAMPLE_EXTRACT_REPORT</typ:flowTaskInstanceName>
         <typ:legislativeDataGroupName>US Legislative Data Group</typ:legislativeDataGroupName>

HCM Get Content ID of an Extract :
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:typ="">
      <typ:getIntegrationContentId>         <typ:flowInstanceName>SAMPLE_EXTRACT_REPORT191017084530</typ:flowInstanceName>         <typ:flowTaskInstanceName>SAMPLE_EXTRACT_REPORT</typ:flowTaskInstanceName>
         <typ:legislativeDataGroupName>US Legislative Data Group</typ:legislativeDataGroupName>         <typ:integrationName>IntegrationIdDefinedinExtractDeliveryType</typ:integrationName>

Sample HDL File Load :
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:typ="">
         <typ:ContentId>12345</typ:ContentId>         <typ:Parameters>ImportMaximumErrors=100,LoadMaximumErrors=100,LoadConcurrentThreads=4,FileEncryption=PGPSIGNED,DeleteSourceFile=N</typ:Parameters>


UCM Get File
<GenericRequest xmlns:mime="" webKey="cs">
<tns:Service IdcService="GET_FILE">
<tns:Field name="dDocName">Doc_Id233088</tns:Field>
<tns:Field name="RevisionSelectionMethod">Latest</tns:Field>
<tns:Field name="Rendition">Web</tns:Field>

UCM Search 
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ucm="">
      <ucm:GenericRequest webKey="CS">
         <ucm:Service IdcService="GET_SEARCH_RESULTS">
               <ucm:Field name="QueryText">dID &lt;MATCHES&gt; `422909`</ucm:Field>

Upload File To UCM:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ucm="" xmlns:wsse="">
      <ucm:GenericRequest webKey="cs">
         <ucm:Service IdcService="CHECKIN_UNIVERSAL">
               <ucm:Field name="dDocTitle">Department2 Load File</ucm:Field>
               <ucm:Field name="dDocType">Document</ucm:Field>
              <!-- <ucm:Field name="dDocAuthor">test1.user</ucm:Field>
               <ucm:Field name="dSecurityGroup">FAFusionImportExport</ucm:Field>
               <ucm:Field name="dDocAccount">hcm$/dataloader$/import$</ucm:Field>
               <ucm:Field name="primaryFile"></ucm:Field>
               <ucm:File href="" name="primaryFile">                  <ucm:Contents>UEsDBBQACAgIAIZyBVUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAT3JnYW5pemF0</ucm:Contents>


  1. BiP Web The majority of the people in the world can’t think of a single day without using a messaging app. This type of apps is very much helpful in almost every aspect of regular life. Nowadays, BiP is a very popular and reliable name in this category. This turkey-originate messaging app is getting large popularity these days and it increasing rapidly. This because BiP offers very safe, simple, and organized messaging and VoIP calls experiences along with lots of amusing and cool features.

  2. Do you have any payload to use FndManageImportExportFilesService to upload valusets.


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